Trecho da série inglesa "Coupling", quando Steve está num dos cubículos de uma clínica de Fertilização Artificial junto com a sua namorada, Susan.
Steve: [about the Fertility Clinic's cubicle] It's this place. It's too wholesome. Look, it's wrong for masturbation. Masturbation is supposed to be a bad thing. It's a stealth activity. You do it on your own, in secret, and you lie about it afterwards. You feel guilt! It's one of the last forms of entirely safe guilt left available to a man. I mean, look at this place! Look what the mad fools have done: it's an office suite for masturbation. There's a "receptionist". There are no receptionists in masturbation. Do you realize what I'm supposed to do here? Do you understand the insanity of it? I am being asked to masturbate in a "good cause". No. Susan, I implore you. I implore all women everywhere on behalf of all men. Do not take the wrongness of masturbation from us.
Steve: [about the Fertility Clinic's cubicle] It's this place. It's too wholesome. Look, it's wrong for masturbation. Masturbation is supposed to be a bad thing. It's a stealth activity. You do it on your own, in secret, and you lie about it afterwards. You feel guilt! It's one of the last forms of entirely safe guilt left available to a man. I mean, look at this place! Look what the mad fools have done: it's an office suite for masturbation. There's a "receptionist". There are no receptionists in masturbation. Do you realize what I'm supposed to do here? Do you understand the insanity of it? I am being asked to masturbate in a "good cause". No. Susan, I implore you. I implore all women everywhere on behalf of all men. Do not take the wrongness of masturbation from us.
Porque certas coisas são inerentes ao ser humano. Até mesmo o 5 contra 1. Mas eu não consigo lembrar que série é essa. Lembro-me que em Mad About You, Paul passou por coisa parecida quando foi numa clínica.
Posted by
Anônimo |
1:34 AM
E respondendo o post anterior, existe o gosto de "nunca mais vou colocar isso na mina boca". Tem também o "isso tem gosto de .... Eca" Daí voc~e completa.
Gosto de quero mais é tipo aquele chocolate bis que fica te pedindo para não comer só um. Um beijo.
Posted by
Anônimo |
1:36 AM
Essa série passa no PEOPLE & ARTS (acho).
Sabe o q eu achei mais interesssante? Vc comentar essa da Masturbação com o "não coloco mais isso na minha boca". O q vc quis dizer com isso? :oP
Posted by
Anônimo |
8:01 PM