Walk Away, by Ben Harper
Poderia postar aqui qualquer letra dele, mas por mero acaso, resolvi colocar essa hoje. Recomendo a quem ainda não conhece, que ouça o Live From Mars, que é ao vivo e duplo, por isso com muitas músicas para conhecer o estilo do cara. Outra hora falo sobre ele aqui. Aliás, para perceber a intensidade da letra, sugiro que ouçam pelo menos essa música.
Oh no
here comes that sun again.
And (that) means another day
without you my friend.
And it hurts me to look
into the mirror at myself.
And it hurts even more
to have to be with somebody else.
And it's so hard to do
and so easy to say.
But sometimes
you just have to walk away
walk away.
With so many people
to love in my life,
why do I worry about one?
But you put the happy in my ness,
you put the good times into my fun.
And it's so hard to do
and so easy to say.
But sometimes
sometimes, you just have to walk away
walk away and head for the door.
We've tried the goodbye so many days.
We walk in the same direction
so that we could never stray.
They say if you love somebody
than you have got to set them free,
but I would rather be locked to you
than live in this pain and misery.
They say
time will make all this go away,
but it's time that has taken my tomorrows
and turned them into yesterdays.
And once again that rising sun is droppin' on down
And once again, you my friend,
are nowhere to be found.
And it's so hard to do
and so easy to say.
But sometimes, sometimes
you just have to walk away,
walk away and head for the door.
You just walk away - walk away - walk away.
You just walk away, walk on, turn and head for the door.
Oh no
here comes that sun again.
And (that) means another day
without you my friend.
And it hurts me to look
into the mirror at myself.
And it hurts even more
to have to be with somebody else.
And it's so hard to do
and so easy to say.
But sometimes
you just have to walk away
walk away.
With so many people
to love in my life,
why do I worry about one?
But you put the happy in my ness,
you put the good times into my fun.
And it's so hard to do
and so easy to say.
But sometimes
sometimes, you just have to walk away
walk away and head for the door.
We've tried the goodbye so many days.
We walk in the same direction
so that we could never stray.
They say if you love somebody
than you have got to set them free,
but I would rather be locked to you
than live in this pain and misery.
They say
time will make all this go away,
but it's time that has taken my tomorrows
and turned them into yesterdays.
And once again that rising sun is droppin' on down
And once again, you my friend,
are nowhere to be found.
And it's so hard to do
and so easy to say.
But sometimes, sometimes
you just have to walk away,
walk away and head for the door.
You just walk away - walk away - walk away.
You just walk away, walk on, turn and head for the door.
This is the first non-work website I visit today, and these lyrics... I take this as a sign. It can be hard, but walking away can be better than causing and feeling pain for a long time. Thanks Ben, I can take a hint.
Posted by
Anônimo |
10:11 AM
Bonito, muito sentimental, muito tudo a ver com certas coisas. Legal...
Posted by
Dalva M. Ferreira |
12:20 PM
Quando li o título pensei em "walk this way" do aerosmith.
Lembro que já escutei uma música que acho que é do Ben Harper, uma que dizia: "she has diamonds on the inside"... algo assim, mas eu não lembro bem se era ele.
E é tão bonito quando ele fala: "And it's so hard to do and so easy to say."
Bacana, esse Ben Harper. Um bjo.
Posted by
Anônimo |
11:26 PM